Why should you take out Allianz Advisor insurance (Allianz Doradca)?

Allianz Doradca
What does Allianz Advisor insurance provide?
Insurance that will help if you have a tax dilemma - you can ask Tax Studies Institute (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) to solve the problem
Allianz Doradca
Do you need this insurance?
Proven solutions
for your company

Do you want to file a claim?
Frequently asked questions about Allianz Advisor insurance (Allianz Doradca)
The price, as with most products or services, depends on the brand and reputation of the consultant. More renowned entities (and this includes Tax Studies Insitute - Instytut Studdiów Podatkowych) take from PLN 300 to PLN 600 for an hour of consultation.
In case of such services it is difficult to determine how much time is actually needed to solve a particular problem. One advisor can solve the problem in 2 hours, another in 6 hours.
Allianz Advisor treats every question in the same way, irrespective of the level of complexity. Taking into account the average number of questions asked by companies and the price for legal and tax services, the Allianz Advisor product is up to 70% cheaper compared to standard subscriptions for legal advisory services and to single enquiries submitted to consulting companies.
The customer pays for a solution to the problem, not for the time spent on it.
The Tax Studies Institute (Instytut Studiów Podatkowych) is responsible for the content of the response. However, Polish law is structured in such a way that the responsibility for implementing the recommendations features in such opinions is always held by the company (this applies both to opinions obtained under the policy and those on commercial terms). However, unlike seeking answers independently, the advisor's answers are always directed only to the client and are signed by the advisor.
This allows you to identify the person who is responsible for the contents of the response given.
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