Insurance easy to manage
Group health insurance
– fast submission, simple operation

Look after your safety

We all can and should take actions that help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus.
If you have Allianz Healthcare insurance, you can choose between:
How we can help you?
Contact us if you have any questions about your contract

Submit your request online - it`s easy
Need some help with your insurance? Find out how to contact us and we will be in touch
Our consultan will
Support for your insurance with Allianz
Quick and easy!

Health group insurance – how to manage your insurance policy
- Report directly to a facility participating in EWKA (Allianz Electronic Customer Verification system). A consultant at the medical facility will verify your entitlement to a specific range of health services
- Find a facility and make an appointment online or over the phone
- Ask us to make an appointment. Call us: + 48 224 224 224
Important! Specialised examinations and services in the scope of occupational medicine - appointment only by phone
How can you do that?
Check your insurance coverage:
- OWU Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna 01 (general terms)
- OWU Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna 02 (general terms)
- OWU Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna 03 (general terms)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna karta Komfort (card)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna karta Optimum (card)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna karta Maximum (card)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna karta Premium (card)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna karta assistance (assistance card)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna karta Prestige VIP (card)
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna zakres świadczeń - scope of benefits
- Karta porównanie wariantów - Comparison of card options
- Allianz Opieka Zdrowotna Cennik - Allianz Healthcare Priselist
Do you want to change data on your policy? Do you want to agree to be contacted by Allianz and enjoy fast and convenient online communication?
See how to do this.
You have used the services of a medical facility:
In such cases you are entitled to reimbursement of the costs incurred up to the maximum amount specified in Appendix 1 to the General Insurance Terms and Conditions.
What should you do?
How can you do that?
Send us:
- request for appointment/change of Beneficiaries
If you wish to withdraw from the Insurance contract and you inform us in writing within 30 days, or if you are an entrepreneur within 7 days from conclusion of the insurance agreement, we will refund the premium paid minus only the cost of coverage for the period in which we provided it.
If you wish to terminate the insurance agreement, your withdrawal will be treated as binding on the last day of the month after the expiry of the one-month notice period, calculated from the last day of the month in which you informed us of your decision.
Remember that you are required to pay the premium during the notice period. However, we will reimburse you for the unused period of cover, e.g. if you have paid the premium in advance for the whole year of the insurance contract.
Your insurance contract will also be terminated if you have not paid the premium within the required period or if a declaration of not wishing to extend the insurance contract for subsequent annual insurance periods is made before the anniversary of the policy.
How can you do that?
Send us:
- a written statement of your withdrawal/contract termination.