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Check what the Full Protection Plan insurance offers
Protection of relatives, protection in case of illness and insurance coverage for children - the most comprehensive range of additional agreements
Plan Pełnej Ochrony
Number of diseases and treatments:
variant standard: 20
variant comfort: 55
variant for child: 24
Hospital treatment - Supplementary contract
We will pay you for your stay in hospital for treatment of:
- bodily injury resulting from an accident - from day 1 of hospital stay,
- or resulting from illness - from day 4 of hospital stay.
We will pay you a single additional amount equivalent to five daily benefits for your treatment in hospital due to an accident or illness which lasted for a continuous period of at least 14 days.
This payout will, for example, help you cover costs arising as a consequence of your stay in hospital.
Under the terms and conditions of the insurance, we will organise and cover the costs of your stay in a sanatorium up to the limit of PLN 4,000 per event.
Surgical procedures - Supplementary contract
If you undergo surgical treatment specified in the terms and conditions of the insurance, we will pay you money which you can use for any purpose, e.g. to take care of further treatment or to cover costs related to a change in the functioning of your family.
Medical care without borders - Supplementary contract
If you develop a more serious conditions, you will receive: confirmation of correctness of the diagnosis, proposal for a treatment plan abroad, organization of the treatment and finding a hospital abroad, and follow-up assessment of your condition after treatment abroad.
Permanent health impairment due to an accident - Supplementary contract
We will provide you with a payout if you suffer permanent damage to your health as a result of an accident. This will help cover costs such as rehabilitation and learning to function in the new reality.
Standard variant: we will pay out a specified percentage of the sum insured depending on the type of permanent health impairment.
Sports variant: we will pay you a specified percentage of the sum insured depending on the type of permanent health impairment, also if the permanent impairment was caused by professionally practising sports disciplines and sports activities indicated in the insurance T&Cs.
Oncological Assistance - supplementary contract
Under the terms and conditions of the insurance, we will provide, among others:
- Organising and covering the costs of 20 medical services (e.g. medical consultations, laboratory diagnostics, specialised examinations)
- Assistance (e.g. reimbursement of costs of wigs and dentures, medical transport, psycho-oncologist, rehabilitation)
- Test for increased genetic risk of organ cancer, oncology-genetics consultation
- Covering the costs of plastic surgery (up to PLN 20,000)
Accident Assistance - supplementary contract
Under the terms and conditions of the insurance, we will provide, among others:
- Organising and covering the costs of 10 medical services (e.g. medical consultations, outpatient procedures, laboratory diagnostics, X-ray and ultrasound examinations, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography)
- Organising and covering the costs of surgery up to PLN 20,000
- Rehabilitation, medical transport, neurorehabilitation application
- Covering the costs of plastic surgery (up to PLN 8,000)
Would you like to purchase this policy? You can do it remotely - without leaving your home.
Plan Pełnej Ochrony - Full Protection Plan
With the full protection plan, you will provide your loved ones with financial security in case of your death (up to PLN 1 million). You can also create a protection package for yourself and your children. All you have to do is choose agreements that provide financial support in case of illness or accident. You can manage your insurance – change additional agreements or the sum insured.
Fast and simple claims process
How to make a claim

Do you want to file a claim?
Frequently asked questions about life insurance
in the following order:
- spouse,
- to children in equal parts (if no spouse),
- to parents in equal parts (if no spouse or children),
- to siblings in equal parts (if no spouse, children or parents),
- to other heirs in equal parts in case of no persons listed above
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